Frigoline Group



The coldroom hinged door stands as an essential element in creating a controlled and efficient environment for various industries. Engineered to provide secure and reliable access to cold storage spaces, these doors are designed to uphold temperature integrity while facilitating smooth entry and exit. The robust construction of the coldroom hinged door, often featuring insulated panels and advanced sealing mechanisms, ensures minimal heat exchange and prevents cold air leakage, making them indispensable for preserving the quality of stored goods. Whether in the realm of food storage, pharmaceuticals, or laboratories, the coldroom hinged door serves as a critical gateway, safeguarding both products and processes.

In the realm of temperature-sensitive operations, the choice of a coldroom hinged door goes beyond mere functionality. These doors are crafted to meet stringent regulatory requirements while enhancing operational efficiency. With options ranging from single to double hinged configurations, they can accommodate various space constraints and traffic demands. The precision engineering that goes into designing these doors results in a durable and low-maintenance solution that stands up to the demands of frequent use in demanding environments. Overall, the coldroom hinged door represents a cornerstone in the architecture of cold storage, ensuring that the delicate balance of temperature control and accessibility is seamlessly maintained.


Central Cooling Unit

Central cooling units are preferred in commercial facilities, markets and logistics storage areas.

Split Cooling Unit

Central cooling units are preferred in commercial facilities, markets and logistics storage areas.

Monoblock Cooling Unit

Central cooling units are preferred in commercial facilities, markets and logistics storage areas.